My Writings
In January 2006 I joined a “Fun with Writing” class at the Holyoke Senior Center.
I really enjoyed the first assignment (write about old photographs) and was hooked. Here are links to some of my writings, which I hope you will enjoy.
Sandy Ward

My Writings: (2006- )
- The pond and our little house
- Learning to ski
- Free Skiing
- Waiting (April 2006)
- Fire, Emotion, and Writing (June 2006) This piece is about "Jeff's journal" and how I learned to write in spring 1960. I give thanks to Jeffrey Campbell, my 11th grade English Literature teacher at The Putney School.
- The Putney Special: A Quick Hot Lunch (October 2006)
- Upper Lake and My Sense of Place (December 5, 2006)
- Least Favorite Game (December 2006). A version of this was edited slightly by my friend Peggy Melason and published Jan 3, 2007 on The Greenfield Optimist website.
- Outhouses I Have Known (January 8, 2007)
- Press Button for Action (January 30, 2007)
- Skating Backwards (January 11 original) and Jan 17 revision. This piece unexpectedly launched a new project...
- Remembering Danvers, a monthly column in The Danvers Herald (March 2007- ). I've created a weblog to keep track of the writings published there, and to add supplementary information for my readers. See
- Which Joshua Ward? (June 2008)
- The Night the Boat Danced (Sept 2008, revised February 2009) --submitted for publication; accepted for May 2009 issue of Messing About in Boats.
- When phone numbers were short and the phone was out of reach (Dec 2008)
- Seeing the tops of trees, Danvers Herald, March 5, 2009.
Examples of my earliest story-telling webpages:
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